We are a business development group within Freeths made up of fee earning lawyers below partner level. Initiate work together to build up a network of contacts, host great events and raise our profile in the local professional market. We host a diverse range of events and aim to attract a loyal following of members.
Who are Initiate?
We are a business development group within Freeths made up of fee earning lawyers below partner level. Initiate work together to build up a network of contacts, host great events and raise our profile in the local professional market. We host a diverse range of events and aim to attract a loyal following of members.
There is an Initiate group in all of our office locations, each hosting three to four events per year. Our events allow us to celebrate success with our valued clients in a fun and casual setting, sometimes attracting over 100 people. They range from social events such as quizzes, comedy nights and wine tasting to TED talks and business focused roundtable discussions.
“As a Freethinking national law firm we are committed to developing new and exciting ways for our lawyers to engage, and develop long lasting relationships with the business community.”
Simon King
Business Development Director
How can I get involved?
Initiate is an initiative set up by Freeths to encourage young professionals to work together, engage with one another and build relationships across the professional services sector by attending a diverse range of events across the year which will provide a platform for members to meet and network with peers.
If you are interested in finding out more, or to see if there is an event taking place in your region soon, please subscribe to our mailing list and select the location most applicable to you to receive event invitations local to you.
Reach out to one of our Initiate representatives
If you'd like to find out more information about Initiate and how you can get involved, get in touch with one of our key Initiate representatives – they will be happy to help you.
- Birmingham: Nicola Dolman
- Bristol: Millie Skinner
- Derby: Jenny Hutson
- Leeds: Tom Williams
- Leicester: Chloe Cooper-Cashin
- Liverpool: Mollie Dyson
- London: Abigail Solani
- Manchester: Mollie Dyson
- Milton Keynes: Amanda Smith
- Nottingham: Jenny Hutson
- Oxford: Millie Skinner
- Sheffield: Tom Williams
Check out our latest Freeths events
At Freeths we organise a diverse range of events that cater to various stakeholders and industry professionals. These events serve as platforms for knowledge-sharing, networking and much, much more.
Contact us today
Whatever your legal needs, our wide ranging expertise is here to support you and your business, so let’s start your legal journey today and get you in touch with the right lawyer to get you started.
Get in touch
For general enquiries, please complete this form and we will direct your message to the most appropriate person.