Freeths Employment Team: In-person mock Employment Tribunal in conjunction with Hays HR
Defending a claim at Tribunal can be costly, time consuming and reputationally damaging for employers.
The prospect of defending a claim is daunting, especially for those tasked with giving witness evidence and facing cross examination and who have not experienced a Tribunal previously.
Date: Friday 13th October 2023
Time: Arrival and Registration: 9:00am – 9:30am, Mock Tribunal: 9:30am – 12:30pm
Venue: Hays, 2nd Floor, 2 Colton Square, Leicester, LE1 1QH
Cost: No cost
This event is designed for HR leaders, Directors, professionals or managers facing HR and/or employment law issues which could result in litigation, anyone looking for external support with Tribunal claims or anyone wanting to take steps to protect their organisation from receiving a claim in the first place.
Delegates will be given opportunity throughout the mock Tribunal to comment on what they have seen and heard. We will also have a networking session afterwards to allow for further discussion.
The scenario will cover allegations of unfair dismissal and harassment based on religion and/or beliefs. This is a fantastic development opportunity for HR/managers to observe the Freeths team act out an Employment Tribunal hearing, complete with pleadings, disclosure documents, witness evidence and submissions.