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Risk Management – know-how for HR series: Immigration - As civil penalties triple, find out how to minimise your business’ right to work risk


Date: Tuesday 25th June
Time: 9:00am -10:30am
Venue: Freeths Leeds Office, 10th Floor, Central Square, 29 Wellington St, Leeds, LS1 4DL

The government has recently increased civil penalties for non-compliance with immigration rules. The civil penalty for employers will be raised to up to £45,000 per illegal worker for a first breach from £15,000, and up to £60,000 for repeat breaches from £20,000. To navigate this complex landscape, we invite you to our informative event. We will provide comprehensive guidance on conducting thorough right to work checks and strategies to mitigate risks. This is an invaluable opportunity to ensure your business practices align with the latest legislation.

The session will also look at the relationship between immigration and employment law requirements, discussing difficult situations which often arise during the employment life cycle, with practical steps to help manage risk. This is an invaluable opportunity to ensure your business practices align with the latest legislation and to gain insights from other HR professionals.

For more information on these events, please contact

HR teams often have a central or supporting role in managing additional workforce issues, such as health & safety, pension provision and immigration arrangements.

These practical know-how sessions will help to refresh and update you on law and best practice - and most importantly - mitigate risk.

View the other events in this series below

Event details

Date: Tuesday 25th June
Time: 9:00am -10:30am
Venue: Freeths Leeds Office, 10th Floor, Central Square, 29 Wellington St, Leeds, LS1 4DL

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