Sheffield Employment and HR Forum: The lost art of performance management
Tom Draper
Toby Pochron
Lee Williams
Senior Associate
Adele Coupland
Date: Tuesday 11 June
Time: 8:30am - 10:30am
Venue: Freeths Sheffield, 129 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE
During this workshop Tom Draper, Toby Pochron, Lee Williams and Adele Coupland will be discussing how employers can effectively manage the performance of employees and some of the common legal issues associated with the capability process.
The topics covered at the workshop include:
- Ensuring your capability policy is fit for purpose.
- Supporting employees to improve their performance.
- Managing poor performance in an appropriate and effective manner.
- Considerations when poor performance could be related to a disability.
- Lawfully terminating employment on the grounds of poor performance / capability.
The workshop is intended to be informal and interactive, where attendees will be able to learn from each other as well as ask questions of our legal experts.
The workshop is free to attend. Breakfast and refreshments will be provided.
Please arrive from 8:30am for a prompt 9:00am start.
We expect this to be a popular event, so please register your place today by clicking the button to the side or get in touch with Hollie Bryan.
Event details
Date: Tuesday 11 June
Time: 8:30am - 10:30am
Venue: Freeths Sheffield, 129 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE
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