The team at Aylesford, Kent-based Digital Pipeline are celebrating one of the biggest donations of IT equipment in the charity's history. The donation, of 736 laptops and PCs from national law firm Freeths will now be processed and refurbished at Aylesford before being shipped to emerging economies around the world - Digital Pipeline supplies schools, hospitals and charities in Africa, Nepal, Pakistan, South America and the West Indies. The Freeths donation comes just weeks after Digital Pipeline began shipping some 40,000 computers and associated IT equipment to schools in Tanzania, part of a strategy which will involve setting up a digital campus in Dar es Salaam, and even using the shipping containers as solar-powered classrooms in remote regions of the country. Freeths, which have 12 offices across the UK and employ more than 900 staff, had a substantial amount of IT equipment no longer in use, but in good working condition. Says Laura Bayston of Freeths: "We wanted to work with Digital Pipeline to ensure that this equipment would be put to good use and ideally find a second life. "We worked with our IT specialists Quiss, who organised the collection all the equipment by Digital Pipeline to their Aylesford base over two days."Says Digital Pipeline chief executive Bevil Williams: "We are absolutely delighted with Freeths' generous donation, and have assured them that their equipment will be put to the very best use by people who would otherwise have no access to IT."
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