Consultant Gynaecologist Daniel Hay - Investigation update and support group information
The consultant gynaecologist and surgeon under investigation at the Royal Derby Hospital has been named as Mr Daniel Hay. The University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust and NHS England are investigating the care provided by Mr Hay and have contacted 272 women to date about the care they have received.
An initial review of 57 cases identified 8 where “unnecessary harm” had been caused, but due to Mr Hay's long tenure at the hospital, Freeths' specialist medical negligence lawyers are concerned that the number of women who have been harmed will rise as the inquiry continues.
The Royal Derby Hospital has so far refused to name the consultant. NHS England and the GMC will also not confirm or deny whether Mr Hay is the consultant involved. However, Mr Hay has now confirmed to The Times Newspaper that he is the consultant being investigated.
Daniel Hay started working at the Royal Derby Hospital in 2005. The University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust say that he stopped working at the Trust in June 2018. However, a number of patients have come forward with confirmation that he was named on clinic letters, which were provided more than a year after he is said to have stopped working.
A hospital representative has advised that the reason for this is because Mr Hay would have been known as a “responsible consultant or clinician” and that a named clinician is added to each patient letter. They went on to say, “Where a clinician is away from the trust through annual leave, ill health or another reason they will continue to be the named clinician, although another member of the clinical team will perform their clinical and administrative duties...“If it becomes apparent that it will be a prolonged absence their name will be removed and another member of the clinical team will be assigned to that patient.”
Freeths' Derby Clinical Negligence team, led by Partner Karen Reynolds, has been contacted by a number of Mr Hay's patients over the last few days. Many are raising concerns about the care that they received following major surgical procedures including ovary removal, ovarian cyst operations, prolapse repair and hysterectomies. Many of the women who have contacted Freeths have concerns about the treatment provided outside the 2015 - 2018 period being investigated by the Trust and NHS England.
If you, or a loved one has been treated by Mr Hay and are concerned about the treatment you received, please contact one of our local, approachable and knowledgeable team for support and guidance:
Karen Reynolds, Partner: 0345 272 5677 or 07717730834. Or by email Siobhan Genever, Director: 0345 030 5774 or 07971586185. Or by emailFor more information please click here to read the original news report.
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