Investigation into Consultant Surgeon in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Mr Daniel Hay, Derby Royal Hospital and Ripley Hospital

Mr Daniel Hay is a former consultant and surgeon in Obstetrics and Gynaecology who is under investigation for treatment provided at the Royal Derby Hospital and Ripley Hospital. The University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust and NHS England are investigating the care provided by Mr Hay, and have now contacted 383 women about the treatment they have received. The Trust have confirmed independent NHS gynaecology clinicians who work outside of the Trust will conduct the review.

Daniel Hay started working at the Royal Derby Hospital in 2005. Staff at the Royal Derby Hospital first raised concerns about the consultant's care in 2018. The University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust say that he stopped working at the Trust in June 2018.The Royal Derby Hospital, NHS England and the GMC will not confirm or deny whether Mr Hay is the consultant involved. However, Mr Hay confirmed to The Times that he is the consultant being investigated. What is the Trust and NHS England investigating?

  1. Major surgical procedures at Royal Derby Hospital

In April 2020, it was confirmed that 58 women had been initially contacted, but on further review, the treatment of an additional 135 women was also investigated. Their treatment related to major surgical procedures performed at the Derby Royal Hospital performed between July 2015 and July 2018.Many of the women who have contacted Freeths have confirmed their procedures included ovary removal, ovarian cyst operations, prolapse repair and hysterectomies. The investigation has already confirmed eight women contacted have been identified as suffering “unnecessary harm”.

  1. Minor surgical procedures at Royal Derby Hospital

In September 2020 a further 79 women were contacted by the Trust to confirm their treatment for surgical procedures performed between March 2017 to July 2018 at the Derby Royal Hospital were also being included within the investigation.

  1. Outpatient treatment at Ripley Hospital

In December 2020 another 110 women contacted by the Trust were informed their outpatient treatment, provided by Mr Daniel Hay at Ripley Hospital, between April 2017 and July 2018, was also being included within the investigation. The Freeths Derby Medical Negligence team are concerned that the number of women being contacted by the Trust, and the number of women who have been harmed, will continue to rise as the inquiry continues. Currently, the total number of women forming part of the investigation stands at 383. What period of time are the Trust and NHS England investigating? The investigation is currently focusing on major surgical treatment, minor surgical treatment, and outpatient treatment provided between July 2015 and July 2018.  However, Freeths have been contacted by a number of patients who have concerns about treatment provided by Mr Daniel Hay outside of that 2015 - 2018 time period. Freeths have also been contacted by patients who have confirmation that Mr Daniel Hay was named on clinic letters, which were provided more than a year after he is said to have stopped working. A hospital representative has advised that the reason for this is because Mr Hay would have been known as a “responsible consultant or clinician” and that a named clinician is added to each patient letter. Freeths' involvement and how we may be able to help you Karen Reynolds has over 20 years of experience of acting for claimants in clinical negligence claims. She has been praised for her direct approach, being able to explain complex medical terminology to claimants, and make them feel at ease when going through a very difficult and traumatic process. Karen is listed as a Leading Individual in Chambers (2021 edition), and as a recommended Lawyer in the Legal 500 (2020 edition). She is also a member of the AvMA panel of solicitors. Karen and her team have substantial experience of working in group actions. A group action is where a number of cases are grouped together, because they result from the same or similar incident.Over 40 women treated by Mr Hay and who have concerns have contacted Karen Reynolds (Partner) and her Derby Clinical Negligence team to date. Some clients have not received letters from the Trust, and some have had treatment outside of the 2015 - 2018 period being investigated. Those who have received treatment provided by Mr Hay, who have gone on to experience continuing or worsening health symptoms, and who wish to pursue a claim for clinical negligence may be included within this group action. Freeths are presently negotiating with the solicitors for the Derby Trust to act for the patients affected under a Claims Handling Agreement, in an effort to investigate these claims as sensitively and as efficiently as possible for the benefit of all parties involved.

How to contact us If you, or a loved one, have been treated by Mr Hay and are concerned about the treatment you received, please contact one of our local, approachable and knowledgeable team: Karen Reynolds, Partner: 0345 272 5677 or 0771 773 0834. Or by email to Genever, Director: 0345 030 5774 or 07971586185. Or by email to those affected: The SAFE GroupWe have now set up a support group for the women affected by their treatment under Mr Hay. This offers a safe space for those women affected by such a deeply personal and traumatic experience, to have the opportunity to speak to others in similar positions for support, and where they can also raise their concerns. If you would like to be added to this support group please email or call 01332 320184.


The content of this page is a summary of the law in force at the date of publication and is not exhaustive, nor does it contain definitive advice. Specialist legal advice should be sought in relation to any queries that may arise.

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