NEW: Reality, Recovery, Opportunity with Tom Cheesewright - 8th October 2020

We're excited to welcome back leading Futurist and author, Tom Cheesewright with the next instalment in our webinar series aimed at providing practical support to you and your business.The unfortunate reality is that COVID-19 is not going away anytime soon. In some way or another, this pandemic has challenged businesses like never before, and with the furlough scheme coming to an end, the prospect of businesses relying on cash reserves will certainly seem to be hitting home soon.However, there is optimism. There are many sectors flourishing, adapting and we're seeing real signs of collaboration and innovation within businesses and their supply chains that, as a result, will make them robust to recover and grow.In this session, Tom will be sharing his insights and will cover the;

  • Reality - impact on various sectors, in particular Retail
  • Recovery - smart responses
  • Opportunity - a glimpse into the next 6 months

You can submit questions in advance using the box below. There will also be time for Q&A during the session.Please get in touch with if you have any questions ahead of the webinar.

Click here to watch back the full webinar


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