30 September 2021 Deadline to apply for “Daughtered UK Rights”

Owners of EU trade mark and design applications that were pending on 1 January 2021 can file for an equivalent UK right and claim the earlier EU filing date if they file a new UK application on or before 30 September 2021. Usual filing fees will be required, but the original EU filing, priority and UK seniority dates will be retained.

If your client is a holder of an EU right which was pending as of 1st January 2021, contact us now to:

  • register the same EU pending right as a UK right up to and including 30 September 2021;
  • claim the earlier filing date of the pending right;
  • claim any valid international priority from the pending EU application, along with any UK seniority claims recorded against it

This process applies to both EUTM’s and International Trade Marks with EU Designations that were pending a decision by the European Union Intellectual Property Office at 1st January 2021.Failure to file a daughtered application by 30 September 2021 will mean no UK right will be created and any applications made after this date will not be entitled to the earlier EU priority claim.

For further information and/or assistance please contact us at: ipt@freeths.co.uk


The content of this page is a summary of the law in force at the date of publication and is not exhaustive, nor does it contain definitive advice. Specialist legal advice should be sought in relation to any queries that may arise.

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