Health PFI Handback - Re-inheriting a PFI asset: milestone or pot of gold?

Many assume that an appropriate level of resourcing, robust contractual knowledge, and a touch of negotiating guile, will result in successful contract expiry and inheritance of the relevant assets - and the Trust’s business can continue as normal, focussing on delivering frontline services. However, the implications of inheriting an expired PFI asset are not that simple.

This article explores the various issues that a Trust must prepare and resource for to fully leverage inheriting a PFI. All being issues that have nothing to do with the PFI contract partnership but are the implications of having it. For 25+ years, the PFI asset may have been either the sole asset occupied by a Trust, or part of a Trust’s portfolio, around which the role of other assets have been considered. The inherited asset is likely to be in a better condition than other assets. Upon expiry, the Trust can better manage the utility of the asset to support service delivery and potentially relax some of the physical standards, allowing more capital and cash to be directed towards serving health needs. Dependant on the nature of the underlying asset and its relative importance to the Trust, PFI expiry may enable placing a more appropriate estates strategy, utilising its whole estate to best effect. This includes the consolidation of various services within the former PFI asset, freeing other assets for further uses or value creation enabling the Trust to manage its portfolio more effectively. The Trust will regain management of the soft / hard FM, and perhaps other previously PFI’ed services. In effect the Trusts become able to operate their estate in the same way all other Trusts have done for years. But now the inherited assets are newer and potentially have been better maintained over the last two decades. To the FD it is a free asset (no more payment of the unitary charge but still revenue and accounting implications).  To the COO there is less contract management. To the Estates Director, it offers more flexibility to do what is necessary with the estate – it’s a win, win, win. Trusts may think that managing the expiry with their PFI contractor is a complex and lengthy process, and the Trust cannot wait to get the keys and do what they want. However, any Trust would be foolhardy to ignore the matters that need addressing sooner rather than later. Whilst the NAO suggests that Trusts need to be readying within 7 years of expiry, they must also begin planning post expiry configuration and considering opportunities in parallel– not a message that resource strapped commercial and estates functions want to hear. The key objective must be to maximize value and outcomes.  As expiry looms, more thought is needed to capture these values and better outcomes. It is never too early to start the preparatory work – spreading the burden of resourcing and thinking. Put simply, there are three key aspects to consider:

  1. Know what you are receiving.
  2.  Ensure the lights don’t go out as you receive it; and
  3. Make the most of the re-inherited asset.

Taking these in turn:

In summary, any Trust with a PFI should be mindful of the opportunities and implications of their contract expiring. Health sectors could learn from the likes of education and defence (through HM Treasury).  However, health is different; assets and services are more complex, and the service outcome is truly life critical.It’s never too early to consider the transition from the PFI, maximising the benefits that could follow.

If you to discuss how to best manage your contracts in the lead up to PFI expiry or have any further questions about this, please contact  Jackie Heeds or Paul Styler, Director of Infrastructure Solutions at ETL


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The content of this page is a summary of the law in force at the date of publication and is not exhaustive, nor does it contain definitive advice. Specialist legal advice should be sought in relation to any queries that may arise.

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