Care Sector Markets: a discussion on shifting funding patterns and availability of capital in the care sector market

Join the Freeths Care Team together with Justin Crowther, (Corporate Financial Advisor and Head of Healthcare at Alantra) and Hoong Wey Woon, (Head of UK Healthcare Real Estate at Alantra), who will be discussing the recent impact on the private care sector as a result of increased funding options and competitive capital and investment availability.

During the session, our experts will discuss:

  • The increasing involvement and market penetration of institutional specialist healthcare funds (and REITS) into the sector; increasingly on a forward funded basis to dethrone traditional debt-funders.
  • Recent prevalence of joint ventures involving operators, management teams and investment funds.
  • Recent trends on market price and volume of transactions “heating up” the market in the last 24 months, notwithstanding COVID.
  • Introduction of private equity funding into the healthcare space.

Date: Tuesday 24th May 2022 Time: 9:30am - 10:30am Venue: Via Zoom



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