To PFI expiry and beyond: planning for life after PFI

Are the public and private sectors working together to maximise the value of PFI assets post expiry? The current debate around PFI expiry largely focuses on the hand back process. But what comes next? And where is the debate around what the future looks like post expiry?

In this webinar, leading projects partner James Larmour, will chair a panel of industry experts including Nigel Badham, Sarah Channin and Rosie Pearson looking at:

  1. How the public sector should best manage the expiry process to achieve its current objectives

  2. How the private and public sector can collaborate together to maximise value from PFI

  3. Alternative service delivery models post PFI expiry and resulting private sector opportunities
  4. The risks for the public sector in failing to manage PFI expiry proactively

Date: Tuesday 15 November 2022Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pmVenue: Zoom


James Larmour, Chair, Projects Partner, Freeths

James has twenty years' experience of advising on a number of complex and innovative infrastructure and project finance transactions. These include a number of PFIs, PPPs, joint ventures, outsourcing and M&A deals, both within the UK and overseas. James has advised local government, private equity funds, sponsors, senior lenders, construction contractors and service providers on transactions across a diverse range of sectors (including accommodation, custodial, education, energy, healthcare, roads, rail, waste and waste water).

Nigel Badham, Partner, Knight Frank

Nigel has 20 years' experience delivering complex multi-party projects between the public and private sectors. He has led teams to secure projects in the PFI sector and sat on the boards of the Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) established to deliver the schemes under long-term project finance structures. He has delivered town centre regeneration using public-private development partnerships and led the establishment and delivery of public-private Strategic Estate Partnerships with several NHS Foundation Trusts. He is now a Partner in Knight Frank's Public Sector Advisory team.

Sarah Channin, Commercial Director, Equans

Sarah has been involved in PFI since 2008 and has advised at all stages of a project from inception through to financial close, operations and now expiry. As a lawyer qualified in both Scotland and in England & Wales, she has acted on all sides of the PFI spectrum, advising the public sector, investors, funders and subcontractors. Sarah now heads up the handback team within EQUANS, overseeing the expiry and transition of more than 60 PFIs as they reach the end of their contract terms.

Rosie Pearson, Corporate Director, Local Partnerships

Rosie Pearson is a Corporate Director at Local Partnerships, a public sector organisation jointly owned by HM Treasury, the Local Government Association and the Welsh Government. She has spent the majority of her career advising the public sector on complex PPP/PFI projects, from project inception and feasibility, through the procurement and dialogue process and subsequently advising on issues relating to all issues on operational projects, and preparation for PFI contract expiry.

If you have any queries, please get in touch with Hollie Bryan.


The content of this page is a summary of the law in force at the date of publication and is not exhaustive, nor does it contain definitive advice. Specialist legal advice should be sought in relation to any queries that may arise.

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