The recent announcement that the England Women’s Cricket Team will now receive equal match fees, having previously received 25% of the male players’ match fees is a useful reminder of the gender pay gap.

Large employers (more than 250 employees) are required to report publicly on their gender pay gap.

As a reminder of the basic obligations, those large employers must publish:

  • Overall gender pay gap figures for relevant employees using both mean and median average hourly pay
  • The proportion of men and women in each of the four quartiles, based on the overall pay range
  • The difference between men and women’s mean and median bonus pay
  • The proportion of men and women who received a bonus

Employers can add a narrative explaining any pay gaps or other disparities and setting out what action they plan to take to address the issue.

In 2023, the EHRC sent warning notices to 730 employers who had not complied with the initial deadlines for reporting and “named and shamed” 8 employers who had still not complied three months later.

The Government Equalities Office has published its Guidance on Actions to close the gender pay gap, summarising approaches that have been shown to work.

The content of this page is a summary of the law in force at the date of publication and is not exhaustive, nor does it contain definitive advice. Specialist legal advice should be sought in relation to any queries that may arise.

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