Donna Ockenden has recently released a further update on the review into the maternity services at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.

It is understood that since the end of November 2022, the Trust have sent out over 1000 letters to families who may be relevant to the review.

In addition, over 250 current and former members of NHS staff have come forward to assist with the review.

The review team would still like to hear from more families and staff members who have been affected by the issues relevant to the review.

The review will consider any case from the last 10 years which falls into the following 5 main categories:

  1. Babies who were stillborn;
  2. Babies who have died (neonatal deaths from 24 weeks gestation that occur up until 28 days of life);
  3. Babies who suffered significant brain damage (babies that have been diagnosed with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy grades 2 and 3 and other significant hypoxic injuries);
  4. Mothers who have died (maternal death up to 42 days post-partum); and
  5. Mothers who suffered serious harm.

Progress is taking place. During the first 4 months, the review team have begun to make a variety of contacts over Nottinghamshire, including faith and support groups in order to discuss their experiences of using Nottingham’s maternity services. Donna has also visited the Houses of Parliament to meet with all local Nottinghamshire MPs to ensure the review reaches as many relevant people as possible across the county.

Donna’s team are keen to ensure that no voice is left unheard.

Donna started her most recent update with a very poignant reminder that Christmas, New Year or indeed any holiday period, can be extremely difficult for families who have suffered loss or tragedy.

There are many families who have just been through this alone.

Please get in touch with Freeths LLP if you would like to discuss your maternity experience at the QMC or Nottingham City Hospital. We can review your case alongside any involvement you may have with the Ockenden review – you do not have to do one or the other.

For a free, informal discussion, please contact:

Jane Williams, Partner, 01159 343 968 or

Gemma Bedford, Managing Associate, 01159 350 367 or

Jessica Atkin, Associate, 01159 853 367 or

Katy Barnett, Associate, 01159 350 606 or

By way of a reminder, the contact details for the Ockenden Review team are: | 01243 786993

The content of this page is a summary of the law in force at the date of publication and is not exhaustive, nor does it contain definitive advice. Specialist legal advice should be sought in relation to any queries that may arise.

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