Breaking News... Delay in commencement of the Procurement Act 2023

The Government has today issued a statement to confirm the commencement of the Procurement Act 2023 will be delayed from the original commencement date of 28th October 2024 to potentially the 24th of February 2025 with new regulations to be made to reflect this change.

This is to allow the Government to update the National Procurement Policy Statement (NPPS) prepared by the previous administration which:

“does not meet the challenge of applying the full potential of public procurement to deliver value for money, economic growth, and social value.”

Georgia Gould MP

Parliamentary Secretary for the Cabinet Office

The extension will allow the Government to prepare a new NPPS which covers the Government’s requirements for public procurement above and will help to achieve a smoother transition.

The extension will also allow public sector bodies as well as suppliers to ensure they are ready for the change. It is not clear at this stage what additional issues the new NPPS is intended to address. In any event, public bodies will in general probably welcome the delay as it provides further time to prepare for the new regime.

We will provide an update when further information becomes available.

For more information on the Procurement Act please get in touch with a Stephen Pearson, Nathan Holden, Mohammad Sajjad or Shireen Eliyas. Our Procurement specialist are here to help.

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