Donna Ockenden to provide families with Psychological Support following Injuries and Losses suffered as a result of Nottingham Maternity Services

As the Nottingham review is the largest review into maternity services in the UK yet, with nearly 1,900 families involved, Donna Ockenden is working hard to ensure that the true needs of the families who have suffered are being met.

With this in mind, she has set up a tailored menu of support options to help, which are not only readily available but also provided in a way in which no one has to fight to access them. In particular, she has ensured that families have access to psychological support and, to date, already more than 250 families have been to help them process what they have been through.

The psychological support has been provided virtually, face to face, and in some cases, in the form of home visits. Ms Ockenden is keen to ensure that the women seeking help are involved in communicating what they need and deciding as to what treatment is right for them. It is not a one size fits all, as everyone has their own story, and this is now finally being recognised. 

This report is not expected to be published until September 2025, however, Freeths have been encouraged to hear that whilst the families are waiting for the outcome of the report, they will have access to the help that they so desperately need. Freeths is working with dozens of women affected, and the number of enquiries are increasing as the scale of the review continues to grow. 

Jane Williams, Partner and Head of Freeths’ Clinical Negligence team in Nottingham, said: This is a positive and welcome step that families’ psychological needs and welfare are now being prioritised and met to help them process the trauma they have suffered.

“As clinical negligence lawyers we have been contacted and represent an increasing number of families and children who have suffered or have lost loved ones as a result of failures in maternity care during labour and birth. 

“These claims seek to ensure that any child who has suffered a preventable injury can access the vital services they require such as care, therapy, aids and equipment, and suitably adapted accommodation which may assist them during their lives.

“For those who have sadly suffered loss we can help to secure support and therapy to help those suffering to come to terms with these devastating events. We can also help secure an apology from the Trust responsible and seek to ensure the same mistakes are not made again.”

If you or a loved one have similar concerns, please contact our Clinical Negligence team for a free, confidential discussion. 

For more information, see here.

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