
Here is a roundup of items we have spotted on government and related websites that we think will be of interest to you.

DfE updates its technology guidance for schools

A web page that will be of particular interest to EdTech businesses appears at this link. This page is a collection of DfE materials – with recent publications covering AI adoption. Most recently, “Generative AI in education: user research and technical report” has been added to the collection.

And likewise, materials to guide schools in data protection matters is available as a collection

With content including suggested privacy notices, a format for obtaining parental consent for younger pupils and other materials to guide schools in meeting compliance requirements. Sample privacy notices are included and appear to have been recently updated. Unfortunately, still absent from the model document is a prompt to consider including detail relating to sharing with private sector service providers.

Ofsted Reforms receive some considerable attention

From the DfE itself, confirmation that one word inspection conclusions are no more. See the press release here.

Moving to the Ofsted website more information can be found including “Building a Better Ofsted: the response to the Big Listen”. With a commitment to rebuilding trust, putting vulnerable and disadvantaged children at the heart of its reforms and a new inspection framework under development there is much to consider at this time.

CMA ends its investigation into Sims data migration issues

This news will have come as a surprise to many in the sector. A brief review of the CMA press release announcing closure of the enquiry makes clear that closure is on “administrative prioritisation” grounds. But, in making this decision CMA has noted that transition away from ESS owned SIMS is happening to a material extent with technological solutions having been developed to achieve data transition without breaching the ESS licence terms and conditions. CMA advises that the issue can be revisited in the future if that proves necessary.

Schools continue to fall foul of data protection compliance duties

A recent ICO press release highlights the continuing lack of awareness within the education sector of the importance of data privacy impact assessments. Chelmer Valley High School in Chelmsford introduced a cashless payment system for school meals using an application reliant on facial recognition technology. The use of this biometric tool requires considerable care with an early risk assessment undertaken – documented through a data privacy impact assessment. The school failed to undertake that process.

To make matters worse the school provided parents with an opt-out opportunity through a form sent home – wrong in two respects with the process necessarily being one that should have been based upon express opt in and recognising that as a high school many of the pupils were of an age where they should have had opportunity to exercise their own decision making.

Can you name the DfE Ministerial Team?

Finally, if you ever need a reminder of who has responsibility for Early Years, School Standards, Skills, Children and Families or Equalities a quick solution is to dive into the DfE website front page and scroll down where you will find these important details!

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