EHRC and ICO plans for 2024/25

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has published its business plan for 2024/25. Setting outs its priorities for the next year, those most relevant to employers are:

  • Tackling sexual harassment in the workplace: They will:
    • Lead a campaign to prepare employers for the new duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace expected to come into force in October 2024
    • Update their sexual harassment technical guidance
    • Consider where regulatory action needs to be taken to tackle breaches
    • Evaluate their Preventing Sexual Harassment at Work toolkit for the hospitality sector and consider how this might be adapted for other sectors
  • Support change in uniformed services:
    • Implement a strategic programme to tackle discrimination, harassment and victimisation in the fire services, police and armed forces
  • Regulate AI and tackle digital exclusion, in particular:
    • Older and disabled people accessing local services
    • Use of AI in recruitment
    • Developing solutions to address bias and discrimination in AI systems
    • Police use of facial recognition technology

In addition to the EHRC’s focus on the risk of discrimination from AI, the Information Commissioner’s Office has published Regulating AI:The ICO’s strategic approach, which sets out its views on and approach to:

  • The opportunities and risks of AI
  • The role of data protection law
  • The ICO’s work on AI
  • Upcoming developments:
    • Consultation on generative AI
    • Consultation on biometric classification
    • Updated guidance on AI and data protection

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