MAC publishes review of the Graduate visa route

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) has published the outcome of a study undertaken by research agency Revealing Reality. The qualitative study involved 40 recent graduates on the Graduate visa scheme. The research aimed to understand the practical workings of the Graduate visa route and the experiences of those using it, including their experiences of looking for and finding employment after graduation.

Key Findings:

  • Graduate Visa Importance: Over half of the international students surveyed chose to study in the UK because of the Graduate visa, which allows them to explore work opportunities and experience life in the UK. Participants in the study described the Graduate visa as a useful bridge between studies and needing sponsorship to be employed in the United Kingdom.
  • Influence on choice of country to study in: the study found that many of those consulted would not have chosen to study in the UK if the Graduate visa route had not been available.
  • Career Advancement: Many participants believed that a UK degree would enhance their employability globally, with some choosing the UK over the US due to the Graduate visa’s flexibility.
  • Return on investment: For some in the study, the opportunity to work immediately after studies was a way to earn a return on their investment in an overseas degree as wages were generally higher in the UK than in their home country.
  • Employment Challenges: Despite the visa’s benefits, only a few participants secured jobs related to their field of study, with some struggling to find employment.
  • Agency Influence: Third-party agencies played a significant role in students’ decisions, sometimes leading to the students choosing less competitive courses or universities.
  • Impact of Policy Changes: Increases to the Skilled Worker visa salary threshold raised concerns but would not have significantly deterred graduates from choosing the UK.

This research highlights the importance of the Graduate visa in attracting international students to UK universities.

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