New families added to ongoing maternity review

In September 2022, senior midwife Donna Ockenden initiated an inquiry to examine failings within the Nottingham maternity services. The review team has previously noted that they were speaking to 1,941 families in relation to the care they received and that these cases dated back 
to 2012. 

The review team has now confirmed that the number of families included within their remit has risen to 2,032 and as such their initial hopes of publishing the review findings in September this year have now had to be pushed back to June 2026. 

This was announced at a family meeting on Saturday (1 February 2025). Although disappointing for the families involved to hear that the outcome of the review would be postponed for a number of months, it is encouraging to see that the review team are taking the task very seriously and are clearly being thorough in their approach.  

As well as announcing this news, Donna Ockenden provided the families with an update on her review and discussions were held in relation to the Trust’s provision of data previously. Moving forward, she said she will address concerns and take these back to the drawing board. 

Over 120 clinical reviewers nationwide are examining the cases included within the review, and it is said that the team of experts will be expanding even further due to the emergence of new cases. Ms. Ockenden feels that the final review will include approximately 2,500 families. 

As clinical negligence lawyers, we represent numerous families and children affected by failures in maternity care during labour and birth, including those who have lost loved ones. We have seen the number of enquiries increasing, and we welcome anyone with concerns to approach us to discuss how we might be able to help. 

Our goal is to ensure that children who have suffered preventable injuries receive the necessary services, such as care, therapy, aids, equipment, and appropriately adapted accommodation to support them throughout their lives. For families who have experienced loss, we provide support and therapy to help them cope with these tragic events. Additionally, we strive to secure an apology from the responsible Trust and work to prevent similar mistakes in the future.

If you or a loved one have similar concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Jane Williams for a free, confidential discussion. 

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