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Mr Daniel Hay Gynaecologist Negligence Claims

We are representing many women have concerns over Mr Hay and his management of their care and treatment. Freeths are working with the Hospital Trust and their legal representatives to enable us to investigate all claims as efficiently and sensitively as possible.

Derby investigation into Mr Daniel Hay, Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician

In early 2020 investigations were commenced by NHS England and University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust. The treatment under initial investigation related to major surgical procedures performed between 2015 – 2018 at Derby Royal Hospital by Mr Daniel Hay, Consultant and Surgeon in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The initial investigation found that some women had suffered “unnecessary harm”.

The investigation was later extended to include Derby Royal Hospital and Ripley Hospital, consisting of major surgery, minor surgical procedures and outpatient treatment. The Derby Trust has now contacted nearly 400 women who were treated by Mr Daniel Hay.

Freeths involvement in the investigation so far

We have been contacted by a large number of women who have concerns about the treatment they received from Mr Daniel Hay. Many have received letters from the Hospital Trust confirming their care is under review.

We are also representing many women who have not been contacted by the Hospital Trust, and yet they too have concerns over Mr Hay and his management of their care and treatment. Freeths are working with the Hospital Trust and their legal representatives to enable us to investigate all claims as efficiently and sensitively as possible. A procedure called a Claims Handling Agreement has been negotiated to fund this large group of claims (also called a Group Action). This will also allow for a prompt and independent review of treatment provided by Mr Hay.

We are aware that Mr Hay has worked in other locations during his career, including Chesterfield and Nottingham. We also have been contacted by women treated in these locations who have concerns about treatment they have been provided with by Mr Daniel Hay.

Gynaecological Concerns

Many of the ladies we have spoken with have unanswered questions about their treatment. It may be that you have concerns about your obstetric treatment or gynaecological treatment. We are happy to discuss your experiences with you.

We have been approached in respect of many treatment paths and complications including:-

  • Surgical intervention without prior discussion of alternative less invasive treatment
  • Hysterectomy
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Difficulties during childbirth and subsequent injuries to both mother and child
  • Urinary issues
  • Bowel problems
  • Post-operative infections
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Abdominal pain

Gynaecology and obstetric claims

We appreciate that gynaecological and obstetric issues are very sensitive in nature, and can lead to life changing complications. The Freeths Derby Clinical Negligence team have dealt with this type of claim before and understand how difficult it can be to live with such complications.

If you have concerns about treatment you or a loved one had under Dr Daniel Hay, or about any gynaecological procedures you have undergone in Derbyshire, Nottingham or Chesterfield then please contact our specialist lawyers for FREE initial advice.

Why choose Freeths?

Our local Derby based clinical negligence team is renowned for their expert knowledge. We will guide you through the process and will be with you every step of the way.

  • You can trust our lawyers to be sensitive, empathetic and considerate
  • Our experienced lawyers have dealt successfully with many gynaecological and obstetric claims
  • We are currently acting for a large number of women directly affected by the investigations into Mr Daniel Hay
  • We have a very successful track record of claiming compensation for medical negligence cases

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SAFE support group

Freeths have set up a private Support Group for women affected by treatment provided by Dr Daniel Hay. This is called the SAFE Group, as it offers support, answers, friendship, and empathy.

This group is open to women who have received treatment under Dr Daniel Hay. You do not need to pursue a claim to join the support group.

For more information please contact the SAFE group email: or the SAFE group helpline: 0133 232 0184.

Mr Daniel Hay Gynaecologist and Obstetrician FAQs

Relevant insights

1 of 1
  • Article

    Investigation into Consultant Surgeon in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Mr Daniel Hay, Derby Royal Hospital and Ripley Hospital

  • Article

    Consultant Gynaecologist Daniel Hay - Investigation update and support group information

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