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Diabetes Medical Negligence

We are experienced in dealing with this complex condition; our medical negligence lawyers will be sensitive to your worries. Our expert solicitors can help if you believe there has been a delay in diagnosis or a misdiagnosis of the symptoms of diabetes – and if this has resulted in an injury caused by the conditions associated with it.

Diabetes claims

We understand that diabetes can be life changing. Early diagnosis and careful management is important to ensure proper treatment and reduce the risk of serious and long-term complications. A late or misdiagnosis of diabetes could be caused by the failure of a GP to refer you to hospital. Or, if the hospital fails to carry out appropriate tests, follow up your results, or manage your condition properly.

A late diagnosis of diabetes, resulting in inadequate management of blood sugar levels, can result in complications such as loss of peripheral sensation, increased risk of infection/gangrene, vision loss and blindness, cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, diabetic ketoacidosis and ultimately death.

Why choose our clinical negligence team?

  • Your needs are put first – we can offer home visits, advice on funding and a FREE first interview
  • Our clinical negligence team are rated by the Legal 500 and Chambers& Partners as market leaders
  • You’ll find our experienced, approachable medical negligence lawyers all across the UK
  • We have a proven track record of claiming financial compensation for injuries and losses

Call us now for FREE on 0330 100 1014 for initial advice and see how we can help you.

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Get in touch with our diabetes specialists

Whether you have Type 1, Type 2 or gestational diabetes, we can help you receive fair compensation for your injury or loss.

We are experienced in dealing with this complex condition; our medical negligence lawyers will be sensitive to your worries. Our expert solicitors can help if you believe there has been a delay in diagnosis or a misdiagnosis of the symptoms of diabetes – and if this has resulted in an injury caused by the conditions associated with it.

Notable work

  • Achieving a pay out of £725,000 for a gentleman who required a below-the-knee amputation following repeated failures to appropriately treat his diabetic foot ulcer.

Relevant insights

1 of 1
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    GP Surgery in Derby Placed Under Special Measures After the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Rate it as “Inadequate”

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Whatever your legal needs, our wide ranging expertise is here to support you and your business, so let’s start your legal journey today and get you in touch with the right lawyer to get you started.


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