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General Surgery Negligence Claims

Undergoing surgery is a major moment in any person’s life. In the majority of cases, surgical procedures go according to plan. However, mistakes do happen. Our Clinical Negligence team has particular expertise regarding problems during surgery. You can trust our approachable lawyers to always treat you with respect and empathy

What is involved?

Undergoing surgery is a major moment in any person’s life. In the majority of cases, surgical procedures go according to plan. However, mistakes do happen. If a doctor fails to provide the proper standard of care, the patient may suffer an injury which could have significant and long lasting consequences.

You may be left with a permanent injury, or may require additional or more extensive surgery to repair the damage that has been caused. A patient may also face significantly longer recovery times.

There are a number of situations in which doctors may fail to provide the proper standard of care to patients undergoing surgery and there is a wide variety of mistakes that can happen during surgery.

These can include inadequate patient consent, unnecessary surgery, avoidable injuries during the procedure, infection, retained foreign body (leaving things behind), wrong site procedure (surgery carried out on the wrong part of the body), or failure to identify abnormalities during exploratory procedures.

Why choose Freeths?

  • Our Clinical Negligence team has particular expertise regarding problems during surgery
  • You can trust our approachable lawyers to always treat you with respect and empathy
  • We offer FREE initial telephone advice, a FREE first interview and we can advise on funding

Your needs come first – we are able to travel and visit you at home if this is appropriate

Call our experienced Clinical Negligence team now to discuss your needs.

If you have suffered an injury during a procedure which was caused by a mistake made by your doctor, or if you feel that you did not give informed consent for a procedure, it may be possible for you to claim for clinical negligence. We have acted for a number of patients who have been adversely affected due to mistakes during surgery.

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  • "I want to thank you so much for everything, I am so glad we found you, because of you, our lives will hopefully be a lot less stressful. Even thou...

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  • "Catherine has exceeded our expectations enormously in every way. We genuinely cannot think of one way that improvements could be made. Catherine's...

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  • "Thank you for the endless effort you have put into this case and the personal touch you have brought to us at such a difficult time."

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  • "Very client focused...she fights for her clients. She doesn’t attempt to extract every penny she can out of the Defendant in respect of her own co...

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  • "Carolyn Lowe handles complex clinical negligence claims ranging from neonatal injuries and stillbirths to injuries suffered as a result of neglige...

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