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GP Medical Negligence Claims

Our Clinical Negligence team is renowned for their expertise. We have investigated GP claims such as misdiagnosis, failure to diagnose and delayed treatment.

What is involved?

Are you concerned that you may have been harmed as a result of inadequate care from your General Practitioner? Loss of confidence between doctor and patient is particularly distressing, because most people expect to have a long term professional relationship with their GP.

Unfortunately, the pressure on GPs in some surgeries is such that consultations are extremely rushed, so it is understandable that sometimes the care they provide may not be as good as you expect. However, the result of inadequate care can be serious and can amount to clinical negligence.

Click here to read our full guide to GP Claims

Why choose Freeths?

  • We can offer you FREE initial telephone advise and a FREE first interview to discuss your options
  • We can advise you on the most appropriate way to fund your GP claim
  • If it is difficult for you to come to us, we can visit you at home or in hospital if possible
  • Our friendly, experienced team of clinical negligence solicitors have many successful claims

Call our Clinical Negligence lawyers now to discuss your case.

We know that bringing a claim against your GP can be distressing. You will find our lawyers supportive and sensitive throughout the process.

If you want to attend the same GP practice after bringing a claim, we can even advise you on what is involved, alternative courses of action and your legal rights to treatment.

Our Clinical Negligence team is renowned for their expertise. We have investigated GP claims such as misdiagnosis (e.g. meningitis misdiagnosed as flu), failure to diagnose, delayed treatment or failure to treat, incorrect treatment, failure to refer to a specialist, and prescription errors such as being given inappropriate medicines or where serious side effects of drugs are not made clear.

Compensation varies depending on the problems you have encountered as a result of failures, the care you have needed and the expenses you have incurred.

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Notable Work

  • Failure to refer – testicular cancer. Mr P attended his GP on 2 separate occasions complaining of a lump on his testicle. His GP reassured him that all was normal and that there was nothing to worry about. Several months later Mr P was still concerned about the presence of the lump and attended an appointment with another GP at the same practice. Following this appointment Mr P was referred to hospital for further investigation. He was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Mr P would have required treatment for testicular cancer in any event but he would have avoided one cycle of chemotherapy if the cancer had been diagnosed sooner. Outcome: GP claim settled for £15,000.
  • Failure to refer – Deep vein thrombosis / pulmonary embolism. Following return from a holiday abroad Mr F experienced pain in his right leg and groin. Within a few days he developed breathlessness. An out of hours GP advised him to come in for an appointment. Despite the claimant’s symptoms, and the fact that Mr F had travelled by plane a few days before, the GP ignored the warning signs of possible DVT and instead diagnosed a viral infection. After Mr F’s condition worsened he was admitted to hospital as an emergency. He had pulmonary emboli. He suffered several cardiac arrests and developed renal failure. Fortunately Mr F made a good recovery.
  • Failure to check blood pressure. Mr M had his blood pressure checked by his GP and it was noted to be on the high side. He was seen by his GP on 15 occasions over a 7 year period but his blood pressure was never re-checked. As a result of Mr M’s untreated hypertension he suffered a small stroke and further wide-spread subtle brain damage, due to small vessel disease. Outcome: GP claim settled for £675,000.
  • It was alleged that the out of hours GP should have referred Mr F for further investigation and treatment given that his symptoms suggested DVT/ pulmonary emboli. If he had received reasonable care he would have avoided the cardiac arrests and renal failure. Outcome: GP claim settled for £20,000.
  • Late cancer diagnosis. Mrs M claimed damages following her GP’s failure to refer her for further investigation that would have led to an earlier diagnosis of breast cancer. The claimant underwent a mastectomy followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and required breast reconstruction surgery.  Had her condition been diagnosed sooner she would have avoided radiotherapy. Outcome: GP claim settled for £27,000.

"Very client focused. she fights for her clients. She doesn't attempt to extract every penny she can out of the Defendant in respect of her own costs, only in respect of damages"

Client testimonial

"Extremely efficient but pleasant to deal with"

Client testimonial

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