Legal Advice For Charities
We understand that these are difficult times for charities – especially if you’re being challenged to become self-sustainable. Getting the right legal advice will help you to survive and thrive, whatever your cause.
What is involved with charities?
Running a charity is about changing lives, not just making money; we want you to focus on your positive actions rather than on having to negotiate legal obstacles and struggle with compliance. We understand that these are difficult times for charities – especially if you’re being challenged to become self-sustainable. Getting the right legal advice will help you to survive and thrive, whatever your cause.
A charity or other social enterprise has to be realistic and commercially aware to succeed. You require cost-effective and demonstrable added value from your professional advisers. Whether you’re looking for advice on how GDPR will affect your fundraising efforts, or assistance in negotiating a major agreement with a new commercial partner, we can help you to help others.
"I just wanted to say another big thank you for all of your support. These things are never easy and straightforward but your help always makes them much more manageable for us and is greatly appreciated."
Major Charity Client
"I just wanted to say another big thank you for all of your support. These things are never easy and straightforward but your help always makes them much more manageable for us and is greatly appreciated."
Major Charity Client
Louise Lewis
Partner & National Head of Trusts, Estates & Tax
Contact our charities team:
Why choose our charities expertise?
- We act for over 200 charities and not-for-profit organisations with a diverse range of needs
- Our Charity team is recommended by the Legal 500 (an independent guide to the legal profession), so you can trust our knowledge and expertise
- We offer a straightforward, informal approach to achieving the results you want
- Our team includes trustees, school governors and fundraisers who understand the issues you face
- We’re fully committed to the charity sector and will work closely with your team to meet your charity’s objectives
How we can help you
Freeths can offer you commercially-minded legal services, focused on managing risk and helping you to get the most impact from your limited resources. Whether you’re protecting the environment or providing care for the most vulnerable people in your community – we’re passionate about providing you with succinct, practical support.
Our experience includes acting for a wide variety of enterprises, from national high profile names to local grassroots organisations, all of which share the goal of making a difference. From setting up a fledgling charity to advising on your governance and the regulatory framework in which you operate, we offer high quality advice, delivered in a friendly and responsive way.
Notable work
- Acted for a charity in its defence to public procurement challenge proceedings brought by a disappointed bidder for Olympic legacy contracts. This was one of the first cases to impose the automatic suspension in the Public Contracts (Amendments) Regulations 2009. This was resolved on terms favourable to the charity.
- Acted for a charity in relation to the substantial acquisition of a multi-let multi-use commercial property in London. This was by way of grant of an intermediate head lease, subject to the various occupational leases to form part of its endowment funding its operations. The transaction was to a tight timescale.
- Advised one of the largest UK conservation charities on its approach to habitat restoration of large areas of redundant land, using waste materials taken from other large infrastructure projects disposing of these materials.
- Advised a charity with a substantial property portfolio on all aspects of its asset management industry investment purchases and sales of development schemes.
- Advising charities in relation to complex tax issues. This includes calculating inheritance tax liabilities where there is an interaction of the grossing up and abatement rules, advising on Re Benham grossing requirements, negotiations with HM Revenue and Customs, and advising on the mitigation of capital gains tax.
- Advising on and implementing the appointment of a joint general manager for two charities where the manager was employed by one charity and seconded for part of the working week to the second charity.
- Settling favourably, on behalf of various national charities, two separate sensitive and complex spousal Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975 claims.
- Liaising on a weekly basis with the Charity Commission in the creation of new corporate entities, in managing requests for various approvals and in the resolution of various regulatory issues.
Meet the team
Sarah Foster
Oxford Office Managing Partner & Joint Head of Private Client Services
Patrick Adie
National Head of Housebuilding & Strategic Land
Rosalyn Shephard
Managing Associate
Contact us today
Whatever your legal needs, our wide ranging expertise is here to support you and your business, so let’s start your legal journey today and get you in touch with the right lawyer to get you started.
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