Regulatory & Trade Remedies Law
Our Regulatory practice is adept at providing businesses with solutions to complex regulatory issues, and our UK trade remedies practice covers a vast spectrum of trade issues.
Our regulatory & trade remedies law expertise
We are part of an increasingly regulated world. Organisations and individuals are protected and restricted by various rules and legislation, with compliance being crucial to the commercial success of businesses. Regulatory and trade law govern the way in which organisations carry out business globally.
Regulatory compliance requires expert advice and support due to the nature of regulation of certain sectors in the UK. It is important for businesses to have an understanding of the regulatory challenges they may be faced with. Our Regulatory practice is adept at providing businesses with solutions to complex regulatory issues.
Trade remedies law has become even more crucial to businesses after Brexit. Our UK trade remedies practice covers a wide spectrum of trade issues, ranging from advice on seeking or defending against anti-dumping duties, countervailing measures and safeguards, to liaising with trade officials to achieve the desired commercial outcome with respect to foreign imports.
Why choose our regulatory & trade remedies law team?
We act for private and public sector clients on all aspects of regulatory and trade remedies law. This includes advising on:
- Regulated sectors, from financial services to water and other utilities
- Trade defence measures against foreign imports, including complaints and investigations involving anti-dumping duties, countervailing measures and safeguards
- Post-Brexit legal implications for international trade
Led by Andrew Maxwell, Freeths’ Competition team has a deep understanding of the UK regulators and their processes and broad expertise in trade defence. In addition, Paul Burnley leads our Corporate Defence and Regulatory team, while Adam Edwards heads our specialist Financial Services team and works alongside a number of lawyers specialising in insurance and broking.
You can depend on our considerable experience in handling regulatory investigations and ensuring compliance on behalf of organisations and individuals.
Call any member of our expert competition team to find out how we can help you.
Key contact
Andrew Maxwell
Partner and Head of Competition
Contact us today
Our regulatory & trade remedies law notable work
Advising CMA Panel
Advising CMA Panel as seconded CMA Legal Director throughout a utility price determination in the water sector, including two multi-party hearings with Ofwat and Bristol Water.
Representing a construction company in anti-dumping proceedings
Representing a UK construction company in European Commission anti-dumping proceedings and hearing involving Chinese imports, including liaison with UK Representative to EU.
Advising clients on free movement of goods
Advising a number of clients on free movement of goods and the application of the EU external trade rules, including on anti-dumping duties and anti-subsidy measures and customs legislation.
Advising a private equity client
Advising a private equity client on its representations to the European Commission on free movement of capital restrictions involving a Hungarian utility company.
Advising a large pub company
Advising a large pub company on free movement and competition law defences to commercial UK broadcasts of English FA Premiership football matches via Greek satellite signals.
Acting for a brokerage and trading firm
Acting for a brokerage and trading firm in respect of FCA investigation concerning its alleged role in a substantial overseas dividend arbitrage tax fraud.
“We are very pleased with this outcome and would thank you for your expertise here."
Jane Hull, Underwriting Director, Tokio Marine HCC
“I appreciate your support and Freeths collectively as always."
Andrew Pike, Managing Director, Hubergroup
“I’m really happy with the work you’ve done for us and so I hope you don’t mind I’ll be coming to you with anything we need advice on in the future!”
Jenni Richards, Federation Manager, British Glass
Meet the team
Lisa Gilligan
Leicester Office Managing Partner
Christopher Ainsworth
James Hartley
Partner & National Head of Dispute Resolution
Andrew Maxwell
Partner and Head of Competition
Contact us today
Whatever your legal needs, our wide ranging expertise is here to support you and your business, so let’s start your legal journey today and get you in touch with the right lawyer to get you started.
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