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FCA Investigations & Enforcement Action

Our team are well placed to assist you in ensuring that your business structure, systems and controls are compliant with FCA rules and regulations. You can trust us to help you minimise the damage.

The financial services sector in the UK is one of the most highly regulated in the world. In the wake of many financial mis-selling scandals, not to mention the perceived failings of its predecessor relating to the global financial crisis, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is willing to exercise its extensive investigatory and enforcement powers. The best approach is to minimise the risk that the FCA will knock on your door.

The FCA has administrative powers to limit or withdraw an individual or firm’s ability to operate in the financial services sector. They can also freeze assets, seek restitution, or bring criminal prosecutions.

Even if an FCA investigation does not result in any form of disciplinary or enforcement action, it places significant demands on your management time and resources, particularly in smaller firms. There is also the personal toll that these investigations take on individuals and the reputational damage they can cause.

Why choose our FCA & enforcement team?

  • We are experienced in representing clients facing FCA investigations
  • Our friendly, professional lawyers will support you in preparing for and attending FCA interviews
  • As “business people first, lawyers second” we can see the situation from your point of view

Freeths are well placed to assist you in ensuring that your business structure, systems and controls are compliant with FCA rules and regulations. You can trust us to help you minimise the damage.

How our team lawyers can help you

If your FCA investigation results in negative preliminary findings, all is not lost. We can help FCA authorised businesses to find opportunities to secure an early resolution, thereby achieving reduced penalties. On conclusion of the investigatory stage, we will advise you on how to respond to the FCA’s preliminary findings. Our supportive lawyers can advise you on resolution strategies and preparing submissions in response.

With expert support and guidance, the process can be managed and its impact minimised, in both operational and reputational terms. If the outcome of the FCA’s investigation is sufficiently serious, you might want to challenge some or all of their findings. We can guide you through this process, make submissions on your behalf and represent you before the FCA’s Regulatory Decisions Committee if necessary.

Call us now to see how our Compliance & Regulatory team can assist you.

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