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Inheritance Tax & Tax Planning Law

Our Court of Protection team are nationally renowned for successful gifting applications for clients who have assets far in excess of their needs. 

Inheritance tax gifting and tax planning expertise

If someone without capacity to manage their property and affairs has significant assets and all of their needs being well met, a Deputy or Attorney may consider Inheritance Tax Planning. This involves passing a portion of the person’s assets, often to the next generation, in such a way that inheritance tax liability might be reduced when that person dies. Our efficient Court of Protection lawyers are on hand to help you.

A Deputy or Attorney has limited authority to make small gifts. Anything of a more substantial nature will need authority from the Court of Protection by way of a specific Order.

Your application to the Court of Protection for authority to gift will involve a number of allied professionals. This may include independent financial advisers to look at forecasts for future income and expenditure, and medical practitioners who can assess health and life expectancy aspects.

Call our Court of Protection disputes team on 0330 100 1014 now to see how we can help you.

Why choose our inheritance tax gifting experts?

  • Our Court of Protection team are nationally renowned for being experienced, professional and sympathetic
  • We are appointed to the Office of the Public Guardian’s panel of court-approved deputies
  • Our specialist lawyers can visit you and your family at home if this is more appropriate
  • We will guide you through these complex processes, while being sensitive to your personal situation.

We have made successful gifting applications for clients who have assets far in excess of their needs.

The Court of Protection was able to approve their Deputy’s proposals for a significant gift to younger family members – passing the older person’s assets down to the next generation in a tax efficient way.

"I wanted you to know how much we appreciated the expertise and professionalism displayed by the team...I have no doubt that we would not have been successful without your help."

Client testimonial

"The 'very personable' Jane Maitland advises a range of clients on high-value, complex estate planning and wealth preservation matters. Sources say: 'Jane is always very considerate, has a calm style and looks after her clients in a thorough and thoughtful way'."

Client testimonial

Key people

Louise Lewis's Profile

Louise Lewis

Partner & National Head of Trusts, Estates & Tax

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Meet the team

Adrian Hackett's Profile

Adrian Hackett

National Head of Taxation Services

Louise Lewis's Profile

Louise Lewis

Partner & National Head of Trusts, Estates & Tax

Natasha Molloy's Profile

Natasha Molloy

Partner & Head of Nottingham Court of Protection

Lisa Mark-Bell's Profile

Lisa Mark-Bell

Director & Joint Head of Oxford Trusts, Estates and Tax Team

Melanie Williams's Profile

Melanie Williams

Director & Head of Oxford Court of Protection

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Whatever your legal needs, our wide ranging expertise is here to support you and your business, so let’s start your legal journey today and get you in touch with the right lawyer to get you started.


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