Annabel Walker Image

Annabel Walker

Senior Associate | Bristol

About Annabel

Annabel is a specialist environmental lawyer. She has broad environmental law experience advising on matters relating to waste regulation, Habitats Regulations Assessments, protected species and licencing regimes, producer responsibility, environmental markets, international environmental law, and broader ESG policy and legal developments, including sustainability disclosures and carbon boarder adjustment mechanisms.  She also draws on a background in litigation and regulatory investigations (where she began her legal career), to support clients with environmental investigations and enforcement.

Annabel also works closely with colleagues across the firm to advise clients on broader sustainability legal risks, including climate change and biodiversity, sustainability disclosures and due diligence regulation, green claims and supply chain risks. 

Annabel has a master’s in environmental law and policy at UCL (2022), during which she worked part time at an environmental law organisation in the non-for-profit sector. She has a particular interest in providing clients with the legal tools and understanding to assist their transition to a more sustainable future.


  • UK Environmental Law Association
  • Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers
  • Legal Voices for the Future

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