Fergus Currie Image

Fergus Currie

Employment Barrister | Bristol

About Fergus

Fergus is a barrister with 25 years’ experience in employment / discrimination law and related fields. 

His employment work includes the staple diet of unfair and wrongful dismissal actions, together with all aspects of discrimination (across the gamut of protected characteristics) and harassment, equal pay, whistleblowing, collective and individual redundancies, and TUPE Regulations, as well as more general contractual disputes, at all judicial levels up to the Court of Appeal. 

He has assisted numerous organisations in drafting contracts and policies, with particular emphasis on discrimination and equal opportunities provisions, as well as the implementation and review of risk assessments. 

A more recent development in his practice has been to carry out a number of workplace investigations for companies, sports clubs, and other institutions into internal matters of alleged misconduct, discrimination and harassment. 

He has many years’ experience of dealing with employment related claims such as accidents at work (including industrial disease, vibration and deafness cases), stress at work, and bullying / harassment (with considerable experience of such behaviour within UK Armed Forces).

A good deal of his time is spent training on Employment Tribunal practice and procedure on behalf of companies and organisations such as ACAS (primarily in the form of mock hearings), and giving seminars / workshops on updated legal developments and other topics to a wide variety of lay and professional clients. This training extends to 'prevention rather than cure' advice for employers, and employee well-being.

He has a particular interest in mental health issues, from the implementation of and adherence to appropriate policies and procedures, through to litigation. 

Member of the Employment Lawyers’ Association.

Notable work & expertise

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