Helen Mitcheson Image

Helen Mitcheson

Senior Associate | Liverpool

Call: 0345 077 9612  Mobile:  0797 380 1851

About Helen

Helen qualified as a solicitor in 2019, prior to which she worked as a marine mammal scientist and environmental consultant. She has experience advising on Environmental Impact Assessments and Habitats Regulations Assessments, transactional support and regulatory requirements.

Helen has presented on the interaction between science and law at scientific and legal conferences and is a guest lecturer at the University of St Andrews. She was listed on the inaugural ENDS Power List of 100 environmental professionals in 2022.

Helen is a Deputy Director of the not-for profit Cet Law and a Member of Council of the UK Environmental Law Association and the Mammal Society. She has an LLM in Environmental Law from Newcastle University and an MRes in Marine Mammal Science from the University of St Andrews.

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