Kirstin Roberts FCIWM
Director | Birmingham
"Kirstin Roberts takes the lead on our account and she has been absolutely stand out. Always available when I need her, quick to respond, strong communicator, highly knowledgeable on a broad range of subjects."
The Legal 500, 2022
Call: 0345 166 6299 Mobile: 0786 678 2532
About Kirstin
Kirstin is an experienced commercial lawyer, who has worked with businesses in the Waste and Renewables sector for almost 20 years, including two 6-month secondments with FCC Environmental (one of the UK’s leading waste and resource management companies). Increasingly Kirstin advises businesses which are implementing their ESG or Sustainability Plans assisting in all contractual requirements around waste reduction, waste re-use, waste recycling and End of Waste. She also advises on packaging issues and net zero provisions in supply chain contracts.
Kirstin is a Fellow of CIWM (Chartered Institution of Wastes Management) and advises companies at all levels of the waste & recycling industry, from acting for EfW and AD facility owners and/or operators to reviewing and negotiating publicly procured contracts such as collections or treatment agreements with local councils, to advising on offtaker arrangements, feedstock arrangements, haulage agreements, SRF and RDF export agreements and waste contract disputes.
Kirstin is listed as a Recommended Lawyer and recognised as a Leading Partner in The Legal 500 (2025 edition) in Energy, Project Finance & PFI.
- FCIWM – Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Wastes Management.
Contact Kirstin
Call: 0345 166 6299
Mobile: 0786 678 2532
Notable work & expertise
Acting for waste management companies at all levels of the waste industry
- Advising on all day to day legal matters for businesses in the Waste and Renewables industry, including contracts relating to the End of Waste, creating T&Cs for the sale of offtake goods and the sale of End of Waste goods.
- Reviews of publicly procured contracts and advising on terms; redrafting contracts with contracting authorities; advising on clarification questions and clarification responses.
- Conducting negotiations with Contracting Authorities under the Public Procurement regime.
- Energy from Waste Projects: advising on feedstock agreements and offtake agreements, haulage contracts, O&M contracts and repair and maintenance contracts during plant shut downs.
Reducing Waste, Re-using Waste and Recycling Waste
- Advising a major tyre manufacturer on its proposed joint venture for the recovery of End of Waste products from tyres.
- Advising retailers on contracts for the reduction of their waste or where that is not possible, re-use, repair or recycling.
- Advising on packaging issues under the Plastics Packaging Tax and the upcoming Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging.
Sustainability in the Supply Chain
- Advising businesses on contractually obliging their suppliers to enable the business to achieve its net zero targets.
"Kirstin Roberts also provides sound advice to make sure that the project remained on track."
The Legal 500, 2024
"Kirstin Roberts is ‘an absolute stand-out’, supplying the team with a first-rate knowledge of the waste and sustainability sector."
The Legal 500, 2022
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