Sarah Foster
Oxford Office Managing Partner & Joint Head of Private Client Services | London | Oxford | Bristol | Milton Keynes
"Sarah is an excellent professional, always willing to assist clients and local professionals."
Chambers and Partners, 2025
Call: 0186 578 1055 Mobile: 0776 933 3424
About Sarah
Sarah manages the Oxford office, is Joint National Head of the Freeths Private Client Services team and sits on our management board.
Sarah has 30 years' post-qualification experience of dealing with contentious trust and probate disputes and professional negligence claims. She is well known for her firm but fair approach to the resolution of disputes.
Sarah is a member of the Association of Contentious Trusts and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS) and the Professional Negligence Lawyers Association (PNLA). She is also an affiliate member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).
Sarah also acts as trustee and executor for a number of family trusts and estates. She has been appointed as a replacement administrator/trustee by the High Court and is also a director of Freeths Trustees Limited, our trust corporation which has been set up specifically to act as a trustee, executor of a will or attorney or deputy for a person who lacks capacity where a professional appointment is needed.
Sarah is listed as an Eminent Practitioner in Chambers and Partners (2025 edition) for both professional negligence and private wealth disputes. She is also a Recommended Lawyer in the Legal 500 (2025 edition) being recognised as a Leading Partner for Private Client – Contentious Trusts and Probate.
- Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists
- Society of Trusts and Estates Practitioners.
Contact Sarah
Call: 0186 578 1055
Mobile: 0776 933 3424
Notable work & expertise
Sarah is one of the most experienced professional negligence lawyers in the market today. She deals with all manner of claims against professionals including legal, construction and financial professionals for both claimants and defendants. She specialises particularly in legal or financial claims with a trust or probate background. Sarah also deals with claims against district councils and advises on coverage disputes between insurers and insured.
Recent work
- Successfully defending a claim against solicitors at trial, arising from advice given not to pursue a claim against an NHS trust for the “wrongful birth” of the claimant’s child. At a liability trial, it was held that the claim had not been brought within time and there was no breach of duty in any event. The Court of Appeal then dismissed the appeal, albeit with different reasons, on limitation. The claimant then applied to the Supreme Court for permission to appeal which was refused. The matter finally concluded with a successful costs recovery (funded by insurers).
- Acting for the claimant in a claim against solicitors who negligently advised in relation to a trust. The loss suffered was about £350,000 including penalties. We reached a settlement with the solicitors for £365,000 inclusive of costs and with the proviso that any further penalties would be payable by the solicitors too.
- Defending a claim for £800,000 arising out of a local authority search. By consent, the proceedings were dismissed with costs a week before a liability only trial.
- Advising insurers on the scope of cover for a solicitor acting in a quasi partnership arising out of a £2 million mortgage fraud.
Sarah acts for private individuals in disputed Court of Protection applications/proceedings during a person’s lifetime. Often, this is a dispute between siblings or other family members as to what is in the best interests of the person affected, for example in terms of where that person should live or who should have the authority to make financial decisions on that person’s behalf.
Recent work
- Acting for P’s son in an application to appoint a court deputy to manage P’s financial and property affairs, in the place of his stepmother and accountant. This was a complex dispute, not helped by the perceived failure of other family members to conduct business affairs in an open and transparent way.
- Acting for P’s son in a dispute with his sister about where P should live and who should be the deputy for him
- Acting for P’s son in relation to the complicated issue of whether P had capacity to marry another woman during his lifetime.
Sarah has wide ranging experience of acting for private individuals in all manner of contested challenges to wills, claims against estates and trust disputes. Her clients are executors, beneficiaries, trustees, relatives or friends of the deceased. She is known for dealing with complicated, multi-party and often cross jurisdictional disputes.
She is a fierce advocate of mediation, recognising that in family disputes particularly (where Sarah’s aim is to maintain relationships wherever possible), it can be an extremely useful tool to bring about early closure of disputes and at less cost.
Recent work
Sarah and her team deal with a wide range of cases, including issues surrounding the validity of a will, claims against estates for financial provision, disputed trusts, disputes in the Court of Protection and the removal of executors and trustees.
- Successfully resisted a £2+ million unusual mutual wills case, where it was alleged that, because of that mutual will, our client held his late wife’s estate on trust for the claimant (a non-family member). Complex company and estate issues arose, given (i) our client’s 100% shareholding in estate companies and the claimant’s position as director in them and (ii) the fact that our client and the claimant were joint executors of the late wife’s will. A settlement was reached prior to trial whereby a small % of the £2 million was paid, including costs.
- Acting for the daughter of the deceased (and residuary beneficiary) in a disputed multi-jurisdictional estate. The deceased (born in Italy) had lived in England for over 40 years. His wife – and our client’s mother – alleged that he had adopted England as his domicile of choice and made a claim for reasonable financial provision, under the Inheritance (Provision for Family & Dependants) Act 1975 against his £1.5 million estate. Recognising the sensitive nature of the dispute, it was settled favourably at mediation.
- Acting for trustees (trust land valued at about £1.2 million) in connection with an application to the court for determination of (i) the validity of the trust deed and (ii) the correct beneficiaries of the trust.
"[The Private Client Contentious Trusts, and Probate Team[ is an overall superb team, led by the outstanding Sarah Foster, who is assisted by the v...
The Legal 500, 2025
"Sarah Foster is a delight to work with. She gives clear and sound advice in a straightforward and unfussy way. She is vastly experienced and leads...
The Legal 500, 2025
"Well done and thank you for achieving such a splendid result... I think you have handled the matter very cleverly... it has been a pleasure to do...
Client testimonial
"Thank you very much for your excellent handling of my case: no-one could have been more expedient or effective. It was my good fortune to have you...
Client testimonial
"Freeths has a very strong contentious trusts and estates team, led by Sarah Foster and hugely well supported by an excellent team of associates an...
The Legal 500, 2023
"Sarah has great organisational skills but with a really strong idea of what the end result should be for the client."
Chambers & Partners, 2025
"Sarah is outstanding in her field. She is technically astute, very commercially aware and extremely personable."
Chambers & Partners, 2025
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