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Giant Cell Arteritis Claims

Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA)

Giant Cell Arteritis sometimes known as Temporal Arteritis is a condition where the arteries, at the side of the head and neck become inflamed.

GCA is a medical emergency and urgent steroid treatment is required in order to prevent lasting irreversible complications.

Devastatingly GCA can cause stroke and irreversible blindness in sufferers, if it is not promptly treated.

There can be a lack of awareness of the condition in primary care which can result in missed diagnoses and permanent life changing injury for patients.

What are the symptoms of Giant Cell Arteritis?

According to the NHS website the main symptoms of GCA are:

  • New and/ or frequent, severe headaches
  • pain or tenderness at the side of your head (temples) or on the scalp
  • jaw pain while eating or talking
  • vision problems, such as double vision or loss of vision in 1 or both eyes.

Symptoms can also be more generalised and include flu-like symptoms, unintentional weight loss, depression and tiredness.

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) and GCA

GCA has a strong association with a condition called Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR).

PMR causes inflammation, pain and stiffness in the muscles around the hip, shoulders and neck. It is most common in older patients.

Around 20% of patients diagnosed with PMR go on to develop GCA.

If a patient diagnosed with PMR presents with symptoms which could indicate GCA, there should be a low threshold to begin high dose steroid treatment pending further urgent investigations and  referral to specialist Ophthalmology and Rheumatology Services.  

Medical Negligence Claims relating to Giant Cell Arteritis

Medical negligence claims relating to GCA usually revolve around a delay in diagnosis and delay in patients accessing treatment due to lack of knowledge in patients and GPs.

For patients faced with permanent sight loss or reduced vision, there are lots of emotional, practical and financial consequences to consider.

If you have suffered sight loss as a result of medical negligence, you may be able to claim compensation.

Freeths can help you to navigate the changes in your life and claim compensation to enable you find your new normal.

No amount of money can restore life to what it was before your injury, but the process of bringing medical negligence a claim is designed to compensate you for your losses as far as possible.

How our clinical negligence solicitors can help 

We understand that complications arising from GCA can have devastating physical and emotional effects that can often last for the rest of your life.

We also know that talking to someone about your experience can be difficult. That’s why we have a team of professional, friendly, and empathetic experts who will listen to your story and help you to decide whether to proceed with a medical negligence claim.

We can let you know whether we think that you have a case that is likely to result in being awarded compensation and we will not pressurise you to go ahead if you do not feel ready to do so. Your initial chat will involve our specialist lawyers understanding the details of your situation and you will be under no obligation to proceed.

If you feel ready to take the initial step, call our compassionate clinical negligence team on 0330 100 1014.

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